52 Weeks, 52 Runs. No. 21: What? You mean running a 5K in under 30 minutes is not the most important thing in the world?

I declared last week that perhaps running and I needed some space. Things were getting a bit rocky – and not the fist-pumping, Eye of the Tiger kind. You would think this realization would be reason enough for me to take a weekend off, use the time to decide what I really want out of the relationship. Running, maybe I’m just not that into you.

Instead, I decided to do two 5Ks.

Of course I did.

Brian K. Betts Foundation

The Washington Monument looks over West Potomac Park in Washington, DC, the setting for the Brian K. Betts Foundation 5K.

The first, the Brian K. Betts 5K, in Washington, DC, was one of those events, though, where the cause really transcended the run. One of the things I love about these smaller 5Ks is that sometimes they shed light on a person or a charity I never would otherwise have heard of. And while I love to make jokes about free beer and T-shirts and all the things that running gives me, I much prefer it when I know my entry fee is going somewhere truly worthwhile.

In this case it was the Brian K. Betts Foundation. Betts was the principal of a troubled Washington school, and by all accounts a “rising star” in the DC system. His mantra for students was “I will not let you be average,” which I love. He was fatally shot in his home in April 2010. The foundation in his name promotes academic excellence and educational enrichment for students and faculty.

Brian K. Betts Foundation

Lovely morning run along the Potomac.

This was clearly so much bigger than me and whether or not I ever manage to run a sub-30-minute 5K …

But for those who might be wondering whether I did manage to run a sub-30-minute 5K, the answer – of course – is no. I had a goal, though. It was to run the whole way.

Now, if you’re thinking this sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because it was also my goal nine. freaking. months. ago. (Which, by the way, I accomplished.)

So, yes, I have officially gone backward. This is quite the feat, if I don’t say so myself – going forward and backward at the same time.

Brian K. Betts Foundation 5K

Before the race, which is why I am looking so smiley.

Anyway, having cast out the idea of doing a sub-30, I decided I wasn’t going to push myself on this morning jaunt, so I took it easy. Granted, my “taking it easy” requires only a fraction less effort than my going all out (which is probably saying something), so my time wasn’t drastically changed from last week’s. But I did indeed run the whole thing, so I am … officially back where I was about six months ago. Excellent.*

That’s OK. I was thrilled to be supporting this event, whose organizers had rounded up some seriously impressive sponsorship. Hubby and I had never seen anything like it. Clearly this foundation resonates with a lot of folks. That, or the person in charge of securing sponsors is a genius. The raffle alone was worth the trek to Washington from Boston. It was also lovely to see Brian’s mother, Doris, who is obviously very involved in the foundation.

Hubby, as is tradition, showed me up by coming first in his age group. It was his birthday, so I was fine with it.

Twenty-one runs down, 31 to go. It’s a long, bendy road ahead.

Brian K. Betts FoundationThe event: Brian K. Betts Foundation 5K
The location: Washington, DC
The date: May 19, 2012
My time: 32.58 (10.36)
Hubby’s time:
20.37 (pace 6.39)
The shirt:
White short-sleeved cotton
The cause: Brian K. Betts Foundation
The aftermath: Bananas, granola bars, bagels

* At least we are starting to work things out.

16 responses to “52 Weeks, 52 Runs. No. 21: What? You mean running a 5K in under 30 minutes is not the most important thing in the world?

  1. You lack of love for running is made up by your commitment to supporting the charities. 😉 You are doing a good thing, Girl!
    You’ve piqued my interest…what was the raffle?

    • Thanks!! I hope I find the love some day. But yes, I do love the charity aspect of it. There were about 20 prize drawings, from $100 Target and Cheesecake Factory gift cards to signed sports memorabilia, restaurant vouchers and baseball tickets. Crazy! We didn’t win a thing. 🙂

  2. Run for a good cause
    And see some jeans runners too!
    Best thing girl can do…

  3. Sometimes supporting a cause like BKB makes all the sweating and redfaced…ness (?) worth it. Looks like we just missed each other in DC. I will be there this weekend! We’ll run the entire race on 6/2 together come hell or high water! We’ll have dogs to distract us.

  4. Pingback: 52 Weeks, 52 Runs. No. 22: Better off Fred | Stride and Joy

  5. Saving My Belly Button Ring

    So cool! Good for you!! Again….how do you find out about these cool races in my area? I only find out about them after you have been there and done that! Hahaha I am gonna have to keep a list for next year. 🙂

  6. I’m adding this race to my must do list for next year. Thanks for writing about this fantastic charity.

    • This one is pretty special. I will endeavor to go back and do it next year, but I’m glad there are others who could take my place if I don’t make it down to DC. 🙂

  7. Pingback: 52 Weeks, 52 Runs. No. 22: Better off Fred | Stride and Joy

  8. Pingback: 52 Weeks, 52 Runs. No. 23: Runiversary to remember | Stride and Joy

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